Sunday, June 21, 2009

900 Channels and on Not One of Them Can I See Lemmy Killmeister Mime a Violin

There are a bajillion reasons why the internet is the greatest thing ever invented ever. One of them is because HOW DOES IT WORK?! Crazy. Another one of them is because all the shows that aren't available on American television can all be found one way or another. Which is how I've discovered my new obsessions:

Maybe I'm a little late on this one, because everybody seems to already know how great this show is, but holy bajeebus, I am in love with SKINS. I started watching when I saw Dev Patel on Ellen talking about it (and can I just say, he might be the cutest ever), and now I'm hooked. I'm only on the second season, but seriously, why doesn't this show run in America? Start watching right now. DO IT.

Secondly, have you ever watched an American reality show and thought, this must be the dumbest thing in the entire universe? That other countries can't possibly have worse shows than ours? That's probably not true, but when you start feeling fed up with American game shows, look into Never Mind the Buzzcocks:

Possibly I only think it's hilarious because I can identify most of the musicians on the show. But come on, that was LEMMY KILLMEISTER. FROM MOTORHEAD. In the few clips I've seen (read: twelve thousand youtube videos I watched yesterday), Chrissie Hynde, Amy Winehouse (pre-crackpipe and pre-beehive, looking very healthy and coherent), Adam Ant, and a Spice Girls tribute band have appeared on the show. I'm fascinated. I don't get it, but I love watching it.

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